Fayzulla Khodjaev home museum

 Today we went to Fayzulla Khodjaev  home museum

Fayzulla Khodjaev Museum was one of the most striking personalities in the political arena of Bukhara in the beginning of the 20th century. One of leaders of Young Bukharians- Jadids, a political figure, a patron of art, a fighter for equal rights and democracy, he was in 1938.

Fayzulla Khodjaev was born in the family of a wealthy trader Ubaydullokhoja. His father tried to give him the secular education, so Fayzulla Khodjaev studied in Russia for a long time. Upon his return home to Bukhara in 1913, he joined Bukharan Jadids. In 1916 -1920 he was one of the leaders of Young Bukharan Party (Jadids) that stroke against dehumanish activity of the Emir of Bukhara. Fayzulla Khodjaev and his close friend and brother-in-arms writer A.Fitrat organized a demonstration calling for the adoption of the constitution and reforms aimed at improving the life of people in Bukhara Emirate. The demonstration was broken up, Young Bukharans had to flee. When the Central Asia entered USSR, Fayzulla Khodjaev participated in the regional administration but was executed in 1937-1938 in the course of massive repressions.


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